To inspire consumers to get more out of their fruit and vegetables, The Greenery has developed an online platform called Verse Oogst (Fresh Harvest). Through the recipes on this platform, consumers feel a direct line to our growers, can learn all about the diversity of our products and find inspiration in a multitude of recipes for any occasion.
With Verse Oogst, we want to remove any hesitation which consumers may have about cooking with fresh fruits or vegetables. Many people aren't quite sure how to prepare fresh produce, or what kinds of things you can make with it. In times when the world seems fixated on convenience and speed, Verse Oogst is intended to help people cook fresh food more frequently – even every day! By sharing clever tips about preparation and storage, we can make ‘cooking fresh’ easier and more accessible.
Social media
Verse Oogst is also active on Facebook and Instagram. Our brief, easy-to-share bits of content include everything from handy tips about proper cutting, preparation and storage to quick recipes and interviews with our growers, plus fun facts on fruit and vegetables. Verse Oogst continues to grow – including on social media. These channels literally bring us into contact with our target group while creating regular opportunities to highlight all of our growers and products in turn.
"We want to inspire people to eat healthy and fresh"
Mary-Grace van LeeuwenBrandmanager
With Verse Oogst, The Greenery has a high-impact channel of its own for communicating all types of messages, to support any marketing objective we choose. This might include special promotional actions, theme weeks centred around a specific product or clever responses to a particular trend or event.urtenissen.
We are also seeing the effects of the ever-increasing digitalisation of society in our work as a growers’ organisation. This trend is creating new needs among both retailers and their customers – needs to which we must naturally respond. Our presence online and on social media helps us, and our products, stay relevant and up-to-date.

Value chain
Fruit and vegetables are valuable in every link