Our growers are our source. They form the core of who we are and what we are able to do. We share the same passion for beautiful, natural and healthy products. The success of our growers is the success of The Greenery, which is why we help and support them with market-orientated, innovative and sustainable growing and entrepreneurship. For instance, we share our knowledge of sustainable growing, packaging, food safety, logistics and marketing.

Stronger together

Apart from sharing knowledge, the collaboration between The Greenery and the growers also encourages a healthier and more secure entrepreneurial climate for growers. The collective of growers offers many possibilities for cooperation and also gives all growers a reliable (international) sales channel. Above all, this intensive collaboration leads to a shorter, reliable chain benefiting both the grower and the retailer.

Added value of growers

Sharing knowledge -> stronger, sustainable and innovative cultivation
Intensive cooperation -> healthy, secure business climate
Collective -> reliable international sales channel

More information

Joost Rouwhorst

Joost Rouwhorst

Cooperative Business
+31 180 655 065
+31 650 214 722