Thanks to our affiliated growers and suppliers, each with their own expertise and products, we can offer a comprehensive assortment of fresh fruit, vegetables and mushrooms twelve months a year. We supplement the Dutch products with imported products such as citrus fruits, bananas and other exotic fruits. We also import products that do not grow in the Netherlands year-round, such as peppers, cucumbers and cauliflower, during the out-of-season months. Simply put, each product can always be supplied.
Straight from the growers
Many of our growers sort and package their products themselves, so that nearly half of our Dutch products can be transported straight from the grower to the customer. Of course, this greatly improves the freshness and shelf life of the products, but it also cuts costs.
Organic produce
Some of our growers are specialised in organic cultivation. This allows us to have certain organic fruits, vegetables and mushrooms ready for year round delivery, just like our regular assortment. Apart from our standard organic assortment, we can also offer any product from our regular assortment organically grown. We even supply organic packaging made of bio-based cardboard.